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Panel members


Cate Brown

Cate qualified from Birmingham University in 1990. She subsequently undertook a variety of hospital training posts and a community post. She completed an MSc in Paediatric Dentistry with distinction at Eastman Dental Institute in 1997 and gained her FDS in 1998. Cate commenced specialist training in Paediatric Dentistry at King’s Dental Institute and St. George’s Hospital and subsequently at Birmingham Dental and Children’s Hospitals and was awarded an M Paed Dent in 2002 and Fellowship in Paediatric Dentistry in 2005. She has been an NHS Consultant and Honorary Lecturer at Birmingham Dental Hospital since 2005. She is involved in undergraduate dental, hygiene and therapy and postgraduate teaching and research and is an educational supervisor for postgraduate dental trainees. She has been BCHC’s Guardian of Safe Working hours for junior doctors/dentists since 2016. Cate has held a number of regional and national roles including West Midlands’ representative for the BSPD, consultant representative on her local MCN, examiner for the RCS specialist paediatric dentistry exams, and Chair of the RCS Ed Specialist Advisory Board for her specialty.